Hello all,

Need some assistance with trying to resolve errors in ImportLog when running 
the content deployment in Central Admin (SharePoint 2010).  I first noticed 
this when I tried making changes to the Search results web part on our 
authoring site and then deploying to our website.

error below:

[9/14/2011 3:14:03 PM] [File] [CourseResults.aspx]   Verbose: 
[9/14/2011 3:14:03 PM] [File] [CourseResults.aspx]   Error: An unexpected error 
has occurred.
[9/14/2011 3:14:03 PM] [File] [CourseResults.aspx]   Debug:    at 
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleComException(COMException comEx)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.SetGhostedFile(String setupPath, 
Byte setupPathVersion, Int32 iVersion, Guid& pguidListId, Guid& pguidDocId, 
Int32 lDoclibRowId, Int32 iAuthorId, String authorLogin, String 
serverRelativeUrl, String targetUrlWebRelative, Boolean isInDocLib, Boolean 
isMigration, Boolean isPublishing, Object varProperties)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.FileSerializer.SetGhostedFile(Object 
fileOrListItem, SPLoggerObject loggerObject, SPWeb web, Guid existId, String 
fileUrl, SerializationInfoHelper infoHelper, SerializationInfoHelper 
infoHelperListitem, Boolean fileExistsInDb, StreamingContext context)

Upon further investigation on other logs (see below) I noticed other errors and 
 that the thing they had in common is they are all part of features.

[9/15/2011 3:01:29 AM] [ListItem] [print_logo.jpg]   Verbose: 
[9/15/2011 3:01:29 AM] [ListItem] [print_logo.jpg]   Error: An unexpected error 
has occurred.
[9/15/2011 3:01:29 AM] [ListItem] [print_logo.jpg]   Debug:    at 
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleComException(COMException comEx)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.SetGhostedFile(String setupPath, 
Byte setupPathVersion, Int32 iVersion, Guid& pguidListId, Guid& pguidDocId, 
Int32 lDoclibRowId, Int32 iAuthorId, String authorLogin, String 
serverRelativeUrl, String targetUrlWebRelative, Boolean isInDocLib, Boolean 
isMigration, Boolean isPublishing, Object varProperties)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.FileSerializer.SetGhostedFile(Object 
fileOrListItem, SPLoggerObject loggerObject, SPWeb web, Guid existId, String 
fileUrl, SerializationInfoHelper infoHelper, SerializationInfoHelper 
infoHelperListitem, Boolean fileExistsInDb, StreamingContext context)

[9/15/2011 3:01:34 AM] [ListItem] [BRIT_demo.css]   Verbose: 
Features\BRIT.Internet_BrandingResources\StyleLibraryModule\BRIT Style 
Sheets\BRIT_demo.css 4
[9/15/2011 3:01:34 AM] [ListItem] [BRIT_demo.css]   Error: An unexpected error 
has occurred.
[9/15/2011 3:01:34 AM] [ListItem] [BRIT_demo.css]   Debug:    at 
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleComException(COMException comEx)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.SetGhostedFile(String setupPath, 
Byte setupPathVersion, Int32 iVersion, Guid& pguidListId, Guid& pguidDocId, 
Int32 lDoclibRowId, Int32 iAuthorId, String authorLogin, String 
serverRelativeUrl, String targetUrlWebRelative, Boolean isInDocLib, Boolean 
isMigration, Boolean isPublishing, Object varProperties)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.FileSerializer.SetGhostedFile(Object 
fileOrListItem, SPLoggerObject loggerObject, SPWeb web, Guid existId, String 
fileUrl, SerializationInfoHelper infoHelper, SerializationInfoHelper 
infoHelperListitem, Boolean fileExistsInDb, StreamingContext context)

I think it may have something to with the GUID but really I need some direction 
on how this can be fixed.   Any thoughts or solutions would be much appreciated

Peter Milliner
SharePoint (BRITNET)
Bendigo TAFE
PO Box 170, Bendigo Victoria 3552
W www.bendigotafe.edu.au<http://www.bendigotafe.edu.au>

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