--- Comment #8 from Richard W.M. Jones <> ---

should be

%license COPYRIGHT

The other two %doc files are OK as they are not license files.
Unfortunately I don't think that %license will work on RHEL
so you may need some %if's around that.

The package couldn't be installed (in a chroot).  However fedora-review
doesn't keep the actual error from that, so it might just be an error
caused by the systemd unit scripts.

The exabgp package depends on /usr/bin/perl which seems to be a bug.
Although the documentation mentions "a perl based healthcheck program",
the one included in this package is most definitely written in Python,
and there are no other perl binaries or libraries that I can see.

There are still loads of rpmlint errors of this kind:

  exabgp.noarch: E: non-executable-script
/etc/exabgp/examples/ 644 /usr/bin/env python

rpmlint is literally correct here that there is a script which is not
executable.  Is it intended that the end user will chmod +x the script(s)
that they need?

Another rpmlint problem is:

  exabgp.noarch: W: non-conffile-in-etc /etc/exabgp/examples/api-api.conf       

If these files are meant to be edited, then they must be marked as %config
or %config(noreplace) in the spec:

If they are not meant to be edited (just symlinked to) then
I guess moving them to /usr/lib/exabgp is a better idea?

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