--- Comment #9 from Luke Hinds <> ---
Hi Richard,

I have some updates:

- %license COPYRIGHT


- The exabgp package depends on  /usr/bin/perl

This is from two perl scripts which are examples of what can be used for
monitoring routes. Neither require modules outside of the standard set included
in perl. The main library will work fine without perl in place, as you rightly
noted around python being the main lang. So no Requires or BuildRequires

-  exabgp.noarch: E: non-executable-script
/etc/exabgp/examples/ 644 /usr/bin/env python

I spoke with a developer on IRC and they said that these do not need to be
executionable, as they are only there as examples for people to reference of
use if it suits their needs.

- exabgp.noarch: W: non-conffile-in-etc /etc/exabgp/examples/api-api.conf

Same again as the above, examples for users to reference..the recommendation
would be to copy them out and then amend, but most folks write their own.

- wrong-script-interpreter /etc/exabgp/examples/
/usr/bin/env python

Upstream prefers not to change it to a fixed path, and instead use env for
python virtualenv use (I figure you already knew this from being a python man,
so that's why you omitted mentioning).

So the only others now are:

- spurious-executable-perm /usr/share/man/man1/exabgp.1.gz
- manual-page-warning /usr/share/man/man1/exabgp.1.gz 3: warning: macro `OS'
not defined
- exabgp.noarch: W: no-manual-page-for-binary exabgp-healthcheck

I guess the above can be waived as they are warnings and not errors?

Original links have been refreshed. Latest review.txt here:

p.s. thanks for time walking this through with me.

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