Hello Jason,
can you set your ldap authentication in the file packetfence-tunnel ?


Le 2013-04-16 16:15, Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold a écrit :
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi there,
>       I'm currently in the process of digging into Packetfence, intending
> to use it as a replacement for an ancient NAC system.  I'm finding,
> however, that I need a bit of help.  I've been poking around a bit and
> I have some things working, but I'm still having trouble getting the
> rest up and running.  Below is, I hope, enough information for someone
> to assist.
>       My testing environment is a fairly simple network with a single
> switch (Cisco 3750G) and multiple VLANS.  The packetfence box is on a
> separate network, no VLANs in common.  There is a firewall in between
> the PF box and the switch, but I am watching logs looking for any
> traffic being blocked.  So far I have SNMP and RADIUS open.
>       I'm running Packetfence 3.6.1 on a RHEL 6.4 system, fully patched.
> The deployment I'm looking for is all out-of-band, no inline 802.1x.
> I have radiusd set up locally, though this may eventually be put on a
> remote server.  For now, I need to understand the radius configuration
> to see if we can use our existing radius servers (also freeradius) or
> if these should be separate.  Ultimately, authentication should be
> against our openLDAP servers with RADIUS merely acting as a go-between.
>       I've configured the 3750 according to the packetfence network devices
> guide, specifically, page 19.  I'm using 802.1x with MAB
> (MultiDomain).  Plugging a macbook into a configured port yields the
> expected response of popping up the 802.1x dialog on the OS.  So far,
> so good.  Entering in a username/password, however, fails.  Which I
> actually expected.
>       On the PF side, I can see the incoming transaction in the radius logs
> for the username.  The trouble I'm having seems to be in making
> freeradius talk to openldap for the authentication.  I'm not entirely
> sure where to enable the ldap piece.  I have modified the
> raddb/modules/ldap file with the appropriate server and login
> information for the ldap browser account.  I've restarted radiusd and
> tried to log in again.  My ldap server, however, is showing no
> activity from the PF box.
>       So I dug a bit deeper and saw the references to ldap in the
> sites-enabled/default file.  uncommented those sections, restarted
> radiusd, same result.  No LDAP activity.
>       Monitoring the logs, I can see the attempts from the client, both the
> 802.1x user and the mac address of the client.  The mac address always
> results in a Login OK, which is .. odd?  Why is that?  And the user
> login always fails.  Here are the relevant entries :
> Tue Apr 16 14:19:45 2013 : Auth: Login incorrect: [testuser] (from
> client port 50102 cli 00-1F-F3-AB-00-CD via TLS tunnel)
> Tue Apr 16 14:19:45 2013 : Auth: Login incorrect: [testuser] (from
> client port 50102 cli 00-1F-F3-AB-00-CD)
> Tue Apr 16 14:20:07 2013 : Auth: Login OK: [001ff3ab00cd] (from client
> port 50102 cli 00-1F-F3-AB-00-CD)
> I don't see any indication in the logs that ldap is ever tried.
> Can someone please fill me in on what I'm missing?  I imagine I'm
> missing a config option somewhere, but I'm not sure where yet.  The
> documentation got me this far, but it seems that LDAP is a more
> advanced setup that isn't covered?  Are there tutorials or other docs
> somewhere that I can refer to?
> Thanks,
> - -- 
> - ---------------------------
> Jason Frisvold
> xenoph...@godshell.com
> - ---------------------------
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