Hi Michael,

On 01/30/2017 10:21 AM, Campanaro, Michael wrote:
> Update:
> I decided to start over from scratch and use two new PF servers and
> went through the clustering process all over again. I now have a fully
> working PF cluster between two servers but I still have one minor
> issue to resolve if possible. When I plug a host into a PF configured
> switch I can no longer see needed information from that host. All I
> can see in the nodes section is the MAC address of this host and not
> the Computer Name or IP address information.
Have you configured switches IP Helpers to send a copy of their DHCP
traffic to the VIP (Virtual IP) of PacketFence?

Or installed UDP Reflector/ DHCP Forwarder to point to your VIP from
your central DHCP server?


Thierry Laurion
tlaur...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.447.4918 *120  ::  https://inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (https://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 

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