Hey guys,

I’m new to pf and a little bit confused about a proper vlan setup for the vlan 
enforcement. So far I’d like to have my setup checked please. My Question: Is 
it possible that the management vlan and the “normal” aka production vlan are 
the same? I know it is possible to have several prod vlans but in my case I 
just want to have one.

In the Network Device Conf Guide its: Normal VLAN: 1, Registration VLAN: 2 & 
Isolation VLAN: 3
In the OoB Zen Guide its: Mgmt VLAN 1, Reg VLAN 2, Isolation VLAN 3 & Normal 

My plans and my understanding is the following:

Pf server (following the guide):
Eth0            as      mgmt/normal     with    ip 10.0.0.x
Eth0 vlan 2     as      registration    with dhcp from pf (192.168.2.x)
Eth0 vlan       3       as      isolation               with    dhcp from pf 

Default vlan (1) with ip 10.0.0.x

On uplink (Port 1) which is in the default vlan 1 and Port 2 as the trunk port 
in all three vlans.

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