Hello All,

I've built a PF ZEN environment for test purposes, based on 7.10

REG  IF is 192.168.30.x/24, VLAN 30
MGM   IF is, VLAN 1

Now I need to go to production, but some ICT Security changes are happened.

REG  IF remain  192.168.30.x/24, VLAN 30
MGM   IF will be, VLAN 50
OUT(OUTGOING TRAFFIC )  IF will flow via, VLAN 90

I've added virtual interfaces, on correct VLANs. To make it Simple I think to 
change IP to old MGM (Eth0)  interface assigning OUT IP

So, first of all I need to gain access to MGMT portal in IF, I 
think shortest way is using some persistent route adding it in 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0.50 maybe?

After this I can change "old" master eth0 IP, and should be work?

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