Hi everyone,

I am discovering PacketFence to build a Proof Of Concept (PoC) but i am stucked 
in basics stuffs.

Right now, un client unregistered is setted within registration vlan.
Once is get registered, a radius authentication is done and the client is put 
within the IT or Financial vlan depending is login (which is member of group 
configured by the AD).

That I would like to do now is:
  - If PacketFence through fingerprint detect a Linux OS system, the client is 
put inside the isolation vlan.
  - If the scan wmi detect that no antivirus is present for a client in IT or 
Financial vlan, the client is put inside the isolation vlan.

Fingerprinting is working because it has already detect the client Windows OS 
for IT or Financial.
  - I have created a simple violation rule to put any Windows OS to isolation 
vlan (it was to test the violation use because I was sure that the Windows OS 
was detected), but it is not working.
  - I have created a WMI scan to detect if antivirus is present through WMI 
rule (and attached it to a connection profile), but it not working, I do not 
see any scan lauched.
    - I have tested that WMI is possible on the Windows client with wbemtest 
from the AD.
    - pfdhcplistener is receiving DHCP production traffic. But I am not sure 
what interface should receive the trafic, the management interface or the 
interface connected to the IT vlan for example where the client request a DHCP 
address to DHCP server configured on the AD.

I don't know what log should I read to get the problem. I checked 
fingerbank.log, packetfence.log, pf.log, violation.log, but there is nothing.

Any help will be very friendly.
If it is not clear, do not hesitate to ask me more information.

Thank you in advance.

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