Hello Ali,

you need to paste the raddebug output.

raddebug /usr/local/pf/var/run/radiusd.sock -t 3000


Le 2018-07-19 à 02:43, Amjad Ali via PacketFence-users a écrit :
Hi everyone,

I have setup a packetfence server in lab environment with just one switch from edge core 4610-54P running picos NOS from pica8 with 802.1X support. I then connected a laptop running windows XP with the switch port but getting "eap: No mutually acceptable types found" I have installed the latest version of packetfence, password is plaintext in packetfence configuration.
I've added the user to the users file as stated in installation guide.
Could this be a problem on laptop i'm connecting with the switch because all else seems ok to me.
Below are radius messages

User-Name = "john" NAS-IP-Address = NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet NAS-Port = 20 Calling-Station-Id = "18:03:73:62:a6:a4" Framed-MTU = 1500 EAP-Message = 0x022600060304 State = 0x002471a8000268f765519fdccd0f8d3a Message-Authenticator = 0x85702b6b9938fee0e421a2b53306356e FreeRADIUS-Client-IP-Address = Called-Station-Id = "cc:37:ab:4f:b1:c1" Event-Timestamp = "7月 19 2018 13:45:43 CST" Stripped-User-Name = "john" Realm = "null" EAP-Type = NAK Tmp-String-1 = "18037362a6a4" Module-Failure-Message = "eap: No mutually acceptable types found" User-Password = "******" SQL-User-Name = "john"

Would appreciate if someone could enlighten or point to a possible solution, thanks.


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