Hi again,

I think Ralf has a good point that it is better to include the full set of jar 
files with the .rpm version. That way the .rpm version runs on more OSes. 
Further to this, as we bundle Jalbum with an updated metadata-extractor.jar, it 
isn't good to omit it from the distribution.


29 mar 2010 kl. 18.39 skrev Toni:

> Am Sonntag, 28. März 2010 schrieb Ralf Hartings:
>> Hi Tony,
>> Normally you are correct. However, according to David Ekholm, the
>> mentioned files are the only missing files.
>> Could you (following the advice from David):
>> *Copy JLayer*.jar* and *metadata-extractor.jar* from the *lib* folder
>> in  http://jalbum.net/download/Jalbum8.7.2.zip and put these files  in
>> the folder *lib* of your Jalbum.rpm package?
> why should I ?
> The sense of a packaged based distribution is to have libraries 
> (java-libraires=jars) and programs only installed once.
> For the Jalbum package I used/replaced:
> commons-collections commons-logging javazoom jcraft metadata-extractor
> with the available distribution packages.
> The jdic stuff is also a candidate for replacing with the packman version, 
> but 
> in the packman repository we have a newer jdic version, so I left it out for 
> the moment. With a replacement of the jdic package the 64bit users will have 
> tray-support too (upstream provides only 32bit versions of the libraries).
>> Although these files already exist in the OpenSuse distro, they are
>> missing in other distributions. This way your rpm package would work for
>> RedHat/CentOS as well and would make life a lot easier for those people!
> No it won't work, as the package itself "requires" other packages (I won't 
> change my spec-file) and it requires the jpackage standards (used in the 
> wrapper-script) so you can only "force" the installation for other rpm-based 
> distributions.
> Additionally, I compiled the plugins with java-1.6, so if your distribution 
> provides only java-1.5 you'll get class-version-mismatch errors....
> You can grab my spec-file and adapt it easiely for other distributions.
>> Thanks
>> Ralf Hartings
>> Sweden
>> Toni wrote:
>>> Am Samstag, 27. März 2010 schrieb Ralf Hartings:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I dowloaded your rpm Jalbum-8.7.2-0.pm.1.1.i586.rpm
>>>> <http://packman.links2linux.de/download/Jalbum/546688/Jalbum-8.7.2-0.pm.
>>>> 1.1 .i586.rpm> from http://packman.links2linux.de/package/Jalbum and
>>>> installed it in my CentOs 5.4 installtion and I got the following
>>>> errors/missing file information:
>>>>    Missing Dependency: metadata-extractor is needed by package
>>>>    Jalbum-8.7.2-0.pm.1.1.i586 (/Jalbum-8.7.2-0.pm.1.1.i586)
>>>>    Missing Dependency: jlayer is needed by package
>>>>    Jalbum-8.7.2-0.pm.1.1.i586 (/Jalbum-8.7.2-0.pm.1.1.i586)
>>>> I contacted David Ekholm at Jalbum and he asked me to ask you to include
>>>> these files in your rpm package. These file are apparently available in
>>>> the Suse distribution, but not in the RedHat/CentOS distributions.
>>> yes, the  provided packages is for OpenSuSE only.
>>> And the two packages jlayer and metadata-extractor are also prvided in
>>> our repsitory. You can try to install them too, but than you'll need
>>> other packages ... and so we end up in a mega-package containing the most
>>> SuSE packages :)
>>> I hope you see that this is no solution for you. Try to install the
>>> Jalbum installer frm their website instead of forcing packages in your
>>> system. Even if you could install all required packages, it won't work as
>>> your distribution won't provide the needed java-infrastructure for a SuSE
>>> package layout.
>>>> Thanks for a great service!
>>>> Ralf Hartings
>>>> Sweden
> -- 
> have fun
> Toni

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