Hi. There are some compatibility issues with the old and current version of 
metadata-extractor. In order to achieve good GPS coordinate precision, I've 
updated the current version of metadata-extractor to use 64 bit integers in the 
Rational class instead of 32 bit integers.


2 apr 2010 kl. 10.49 skrev Toni:

> Am Freitag, 2. April 2010 schrieb David Ekholm:
>> Ok. I guess we have to respect that, but bear in mind that we're using an
>> updated version of metadata-extractor.jar, so that one should at least be
>> bundled with Jalbum. The "official" version of metadata-extractor.jar is
>> abandonware since over two years.
> You pointed us to the metada-extractor version you use.
> I'll check your additions and package your version as a new 
> metadata-extractor 
> package.
> As I packaged the metadata-extractor package I know it need some addtional 
> patching to be used with openjdk instead of sun-java.
> If it doesn't break other packages: fine, if it does, I'll create a second 
> metadata-extractor package (wth a different version number).
> In both cases we follow the packaging rules for the distrbution. Its the same 
> with real natve libraries in dfferent versions. Native libs use SO-names, 
> java can distinct those dfferent jars wth the classpath property.
> The goal to reach: a fully compiled Jalbum and all used 3rd party jars as 
> seperate packages.
>> Regards
>> /David
>> 2 apr 2010 kl. 10.19 skrev Andrea Florio:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> People, you are probably miss understanding the meaning of packman repos
>>> and packman packages.
>>> we provide openSUSE ONLY rpms, they must be as shared as possible to
>>> reduce the waste of space but mostly to reduce the waste of strenght.
>>> We do not provide "linux generic" rpms. It's something Jalbum
>>> "maintainers" should do.
>>> it's not an option, and again, there is no reason to provide an rpm that
>>> "may" (it's not even sure, coz as toni wrote a part of that is COMPILED)
>>> work on other distros
>>> Andrea
>>> Il 01/04/2010 23:06, David Ekholm ha scritto:
>>>> Hi again,
>>>> I think Ralf has a good point that it is better to include the full set
>>>> of jar files with the .rpm version. That way the .rpm version runs on
>>>> more OSes. Further to this, as we bundle Jalbum with an updated
>>>> metadata-extractor.jar, it isn't good to omit it from the distribution.
>>>> Regards
>>>> /David
>>>> 29 mar 2010 kl. 18.39 skrev Toni:
>>>>> Am Sonntag, 28. März 2010 schrieb Ralf Hartings:
>>>>>> Hi Tony,
>>>>>> Normally you are correct. However, according to David Ekholm, the
>>>>>> mentioned files are the only missing files.
>>>>>> Could you (following the advice from David):
>>>>>> *Copy JLayer*.jar* and *metadata-extractor.jar* from the *lib* folder
>>>>>> in  http://jalbum.net/download/Jalbum8.7.2.zip and put these files  in
>>>>>> the folder *lib* of your Jalbum.rpm package?
>>>>> why should I ?
>>>>> The sense of a packaged based distribution is to have libraries
>>>>> (java-libraires=jars) and programs only installed once.
>>>>> For the Jalbum package I used/replaced:
>>>>> commons-collections commons-logging javazoom jcraft metadata-extractor
>>>>> with the available distribution packages.
>>>>> The jdic stuff is also a candidate for replacing with the packman
>>>>> version, but in the packman repository we have a newer jdic version, so
>>>>> I left it out for the moment. With a replacement of the jdic package
>>>>> the 64bit users will have tray-support too (upstream provides only
>>>>> 32bit versions of the libraries).
>>>>>> Although these files already exist in the OpenSuse distro, they are
>>>>>> missing in other distributions. This way your rpm package would work
>>>>>> for RedHat/CentOS as well and would make life a lot easier for those
>>>>>> people!
>>>>> No it won't work, as the package itself "requires" other packages (I
>>>>> won't change my spec-file) and it requires the jpackage standards (used
>>>>> in the wrapper-script) so you can only "force" the installation for
>>>>> other rpm-based distributions.
>>>>> Additionally, I compiled the plugins with java-1.6, so if your
>>>>> distribution provides only java-1.5 you'll get class-version-mismatch
>>>>> errors....
>>>>> You can grab my spec-file and adapt it easiely for other distributions.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Ralf Hartings
>>>>>> Sweden
>>>>>> Toni wrote:
>>>>>>> Am Samstag, 27. März 2010 schrieb Ralf Hartings:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I dowloaded your rpm Jalbum-8.7.2-0.pm.1.1.i586.rpm
>>>>>>>> <http://packman.links2linux.de/download/Jalbum/546688/Jalbum-8.7.2-0
>>>>>>>> .pm. 1.1 .i586.rpm> from http://packman.links2linux.de/package/Jalbum
>>>>>>>> and installed it in my CentOs 5.4 installtion and I got the
>>>>>>>> following errors/missing file information:
>>>>>>>>  Missing Dependency: metadata-extractor is needed by package
>>>>>>>>  Jalbum-8.7.2-0.pm.1.1.i586 (/Jalbum-8.7.2-0.pm.1.1.i586)
>>>>>>>>  Missing Dependency: jlayer is needed by package
>>>>>>>>  Jalbum-8.7.2-0.pm.1.1.i586 (/Jalbum-8.7.2-0.pm.1.1.i586)
>>>>>>>> I contacted David Ekholm at Jalbum and he asked me to ask you to
>>>>>>>> include these files in your rpm package. These file are apparently
>>>>>>>> available in the Suse distribution, but not in the RedHat/CentOS
>>>>>>>> distributions.
>>>>>>> yes, the  provided packages is for OpenSuSE only.
>>>>>>> And the two packages jlayer and metadata-extractor are also prvided
>>>>>>> in our repsitory. You can try to install them too, but than you'll
>>>>>>> need other packages ... and so we end up in a mega-package containing
>>>>>>> the most SuSE packages :)
>>>>>>> I hope you see that this is no solution for you. Try to install the
>>>>>>> Jalbum installer frm their website instead of forcing packages in
>>>>>>> your system. Even if you could install all required packages, it
>>>>>>> won't work as your distribution won't provide the needed
>>>>>>> java-infrastructure for a SuSE package layout.
>>>>>>>> Thanks for a great service!
>>>>>>>> Ralf Hartings
>>>>>>>> Sweden
>>>>> --
>>>>> have fun
>>>>> Toni
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>>> - ------------------------------------------
>>> Andrea Florio
>>> QSI International School of Brindisi Sys Admin
>>> CISCO CCNA Certified
>>> openSUSE-Education Administrator
>>> openSUSE Official Member (anubisg1)
>>> Email: and...@opensuse.org
>>> Packman Packaging Team
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> -- 
> have fun
> Toni

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