Just catch the appStopEvent and don't handle it.  Then your program
will never end.

On Dec 10, 2007 10:57 PM, J Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to prevent the user from switching to applications other than my own 
> via the soft keys (e.g. those four icons to the left and right of the input 
> area) no matter what application is currently running.  (I'm not happy with 
> the idea, but this is for a client.)
> On the Zire 72, I've been able to register for the 
> sysNotifyVirtualCharHandlingEvent notification and handle things just fine.  
> However, on the TX, this only works for the upper-left soft key (Launcher).  
> I never get a notification for the three other soft keys.  I've also tried 
> registering for sysNotifyInputAreaPenDownEvent notifications, and that 
> doesn't work either (no notification sent).
> Does anyone know how I can do one of the following?
> (1) catch a tap on a soft key and cause the system to ignore it, or launch my 
> application
> (2) program all these soft keys to launch my application?
> And, again, I need a solution that will work when my app is not currently 
> running (e.g. notifications).
> Thanks.
> --
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