I'm attempting to do some work on Jaime Quinn's "Flash" (flashcards)
program, using prc-tools 2.0 w/ Falch.net's IDE.  Because of the size of the
program, I've been forced to organize the project as a multi-segment app.

It appears that GDB doesn't know what to do with code that isn't in the main
code segment.  I can set a breakpoint in a function in another segment, but
it never fires.  I also can't step into the function -- it just steps over

I did some poking around on eScribe for past threads regarding this, but
came up (mostly) empty-handed.  The only thing I could find was a passing
reference to this from John Marshall.  In his message he said that it was
"something to look into".

Does anybody have any experience with this?  What have you done to get
around the problem?  My only thought so far is to rearrange the code when
I'm debugging so that the appropriate functions are in the main segment.
That could get tedious though.

Thanks for any help,
-David A. Carley

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