>Subject: RE: Access to Knowledge Base
>From: Heather Tufts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 13:07:17 -0600

>We at Metrowerks all have this issue, and don't have access to the KB
>because of the company firewall.  Now that we're owned by Motorola, any
>change to that firewall has to go through about a 6-month approval process,
>so it'll never happen for us.

>There's my vote.  :)


OK, OK, something is not quite right when the vendor of the
primary commercial compiler for the Palm OS can't get to the 
Knowledge Base!

Perhaps Palm need to provide two avenues into the KB, one as at
present, and one on a more simplistic level that doesn't cause
problems with firewalls.

Just my two pence worth.....
Roger Stringer
Marietta Systems, Inc.

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