I need to embed:

$ProjectRevision: 0.1 $

somewhere in the .r file to get Source Integrity to recognize it and update it. 
But I only want to display the numbers (0.1, in this case). Would that be 
possible in a .r file? How would you extract the 0.1 from the above and assign 
it to the Project Version string? Also, is there documentation somewhere 
describing the syntax for these files?


Create a text resource file and add it as part of your project. To do so, 
create a text file with the extension set to ".r" like: ... foo.r ... #include 
"palmtypes.r" #define APP_VERSION "1.00" //pick whatever you want here, any 
define works

data 'tver' (1)                 { APP_VERSION $"00" };
data 'tver' (1000)      { APP_VERSION $"00" };
... end foo.r ...

Make sure you set up the .r extension in CodeWarrior to PalmRez and you are off 
and running.

That still requires that I remember to change the version string in 
constructor. The way I do my application's about box means that I let the
version control software change the version, so I don't have to remember to do 

Dave Heil
Preco Electronics

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