At 01:11 PM 11/2/2000, Alan Ingleby wrote:
>I think I know what you mean.  I have dug a bit deeper into my code, and
>noticed that FlpAToF("88888888") works fine, it's just when you add the
>".00" on the end it doesn't work.
>I don't suppose anyone knows of a simple function to do this conversion
>manually?? I'd really appreciate the help here, thanks!

I don't know of any simple way to do this if you need to handle more than 8 (or 
whatever the limit is) non-zero digits. You can easily parse the digits yourself to 
generate an integer, but the integer needs to be big enough to hold all the digits, 
and that's going to require 64 bit math. Or, you can break your string in half and 
convert each half to floating point. If you adjust the exponents properly, you should 
be able to make this work.
Peter Epstein
Palm Inc. Developer

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