Thanks Chris, it's a start :)

Paul Johnson
Applewood House
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Tutty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 1:33 AM
Subject: Re: Starting up, sorta

> From: "Paul Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I've been asked to do ports of several games and other multimedia apps
> from
> > that other PDA to OS5, and have a few basic questions. I'll look into
> >
> Most of your questions look like Aaron's domain, but having had to
> manage lots of graphic content I can answer
> > 3)    Is there an easy way to load up all my sprites and pictures at run
> > time rather than spending years putting it all into the resource editor
> If
> > the format is easy enough, I'm not against compiling my own resource
> > from custom data via a homegrown widget program of some sort.
> >
> As far as generating resource files goes, I've successfully used scripts
> to create .rcp files that the CodeWarrior pilrc plug-in compiles.  These
> worked both from a database and as a script that iterated over a folder
> full of Windows bitmaps.  Significantly simplified our resource
> This gives you standard PalmOS resource files.  I'm not sure if there's
> an advantage to getting lower-level than that, except that images packed
> together might speed up syncing of the app, but I think that the slow
> syncing
> of dbs with lot's of small records is much less significant than it used
> be.
> Chris Tutty
> --
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