Yup, hence all the questions. I'll be looking at arm assembler soon - theres
a lot of that in my PocketPC library already. Gonna be a long haul, but I
hope a fun one. I actually prefer working on Palm over PPC from what I
remember of it - the sync connection works reliably for a start :)

I guess I just wanna get the methodology for sprite blitting straight in my
head before I make a start in earnest.

Paul Johnson
Applewood House
----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron Ardiri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: Starting up, sorta

> > I'm ONLY targetting OS5 though, does this make a difference ?
> OS5 is arm only - and, you do things a bit differently there
> (especially if you want to write games) :P
> > I may well get in touch with you directly at some point - got
> > a lot of work here
> ok.
> ---
> Aaron Ardiri                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> CEO - CTO                                           +46 70 656 1143
> Mobile Wizardry                      http://www.mobilewizardry.com/
> --
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