On Fri, 08 Aug 2003 08:04:29 -0500, Mark Slagell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> # palmdev-prep
> Checking SDKs in /opt/palmdev
>   sdk-4         headers in 'include', libraries in 'lib'
> When GCC is given no -palmos options, SDK '4' will be used by default
> Next 'make' had the same "no genuine PalmOS.h found" error.

*Read* that error message.  Your samples' makefiles contain -palmos
options for some SDK that you do not have installed.

> I had tried to install prc-tools from sourceforge before I went to 
> palmos.com -- so maybe it's still trying to use the failed sourceforge 
> install.

You didn't mention a failed Sourceforge install.  And in fact you
might notice that the palmos.com page sends you straight to sf.net.


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