> does it work like windows DLL ?
I guess the basis for all shared libs is same - I mean the underlying 
threads are same...In Palm, a shared lib is a special collection of 
executable code resources...it is really a collection of pointers to 
functions...the pointers are arranged in an array ( a table-
entry )...the functions themselves are accessed by indices only ( in 
Windows DLL, u can access them by name as well but in Palm u access 
them by index...its done to squeeze bytes :-) ) 

Another catch with shared lib ( but not with windows DLL ) is that 
shared libs could typically cannt use globals....( its cuz only one 
app can be active at a time and hence global space is acceesible to 
only active app )....however, u can allocate "kinda" global-vars in 
in the negative part of a5. Please refer to literature/code URLs 
mentioned by Dave and Eric for further details.

Lastly, if you use CW 9 ( v4.2.8 ), then creation of shared lib is 
very easy. With earlier versions of CW, the programmer needed to 
tweak many things before getting the shared lib function. Ben Combee 
would be the best person who can enlist all the changes/tweakings 
that u should do in CW settings if u are using earlier versions ( 
like v4.0.1).



> thanks
> Chris
> -- 
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