On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 13:56:23, Chris Hurley writes:
>I can't answer your question specifically, but I'll mention that I've 
>been doing all my drawing to an offscreen bitmap and then using 
>WinDrawBitmap to blit it to the screen and I have had zero problems 
>with it... fast moving objects with no shearing or blinking...

How does one get no shearing during even double-buffered animation
without a vertical refresh position or update counter?   I've always
thought the lack of display refresh sync information was a flaw
that would have to be fixed before serious animation could be done
under PalmOS.  (Did Tapwave do anything?)

Or is the persistence of the low-power LCD's long enough to hide the
tearing artifacts?

Ron Nicholson
HotPaw Productions

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