According to your way,I find the new meun item only appear on my
application. I want to let it appear on all palm application installed in
the palm machine. Thanks again.

You'll have to install a resident patch to SysHandleEvent, not just something that's active when your application is running. Check the archives for information on writing patches (especially references to HackMaster).

-- Ken

 > >Hi~,all!I want to add "mail" menu item under "GraffitiHelp".Please see
 >"mail" menu item appear if the user hit "Edit" system menu.I get
>text,and do relevant operation.

> Patch SysHandleEvent. When you see a menuOpenEvent, call MenuAddItem
 with sysEditMenuGraffitiCmd as the positionId parameter, and your own
 (hopefully unique) command id. When your SysHandleEvent sees a
 menuEvent, and the id == your unique command id, call
 FrmGetActiveField to get the field, and then do your mail thing.

> -- Ken

-- Ken Krugler +1 530-470-9200

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