----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Philippe Fischer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: PalmOS Device and SSL

> Hi Vu,
> I've got the same problem! But importing certs is not the only problem, I
> think that the cert manager doesn't work at all. Even on valid Verisign
> certs he reports errors. I've tested it with the internet browser on a T3
> Simulator (you can dowload the browser on PalmOne). I  afraid that the
> way to ensure server authentication is to implement a cert check in the
> verify callback. Client authentication isn't possible at all.

Hi Phillippe,

I did some tests yesterday and the result seems that the built-in certs are
used, but I may be wrong, as I often am.

Here what I did  on the client app running on Treo 600 simulator and
Tungsten C simulator  ( but not on the Tungsten T3 one ) :

1. Do not install the verifycallback that check for NonTrustedError.
2. Using SslOpen to connect to my "self-signed" ssl server. The client app
does report the NonTrustedError.
3. Using SslOpen to connect to port 443 of a secure web server using
Verisign ( I guess it uses Verisign or something lile that, because it is
*big* ). The client app does *not* report any error for SslOpen. This mean
the verification works, if I understand correctly.

For that test result, I guess the builtin certs are used.

I also think of implementing the own self-signed certification check using
both the SSL and the CPM libraries, but maybe PalmOS 6 has fixed this
problem already. :-)

Let's see next month what PalmOS will announce.


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