With the help of Roderich Schupp I was able to install PAR-Packer-1.005
(had problems with dmake) on strawberry perl 5.12 Windows XP.

I can use pp to produce Windows executables which can be run on other
Windows machines without an installed Perl, even Tk is working!

But compiled programs with "use IO::Socket::SSL" will not run on other

"This application has failed to start because libeay32_.dll was not found."

is the error message I see there.

My application (*) does https communication. How can I tell pp to include this

So far I use: pp -gui -clean -o schwuppdiwupp.exe schwuppdiwupp.pl

On my developper machine (with strawberry perl 5.12) everything works fine.
But my target machines do not have strawberry perl installed. I need a
standalone program.exe with everything "on board".

(*) http://fex.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/tmp/schwuppdiwupp.pl

Ullrich Horlacher              Server- und Arbeitsplatzsysteme
Rechenzentrum                  E-Mail: horlac...@rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Universitaet Stuttgart         Tel:    ++49-711-685-65868
Allmandring 30                 Fax:    ++49-711-682357
70550 Stuttgart (Germany)      WWW:    http://www.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/

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