Thu Nov 18 02:05:40 2010: Request 63083 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by Coctic
       Queue: PAR-Packer
     Subject: pp: Undefined subroutine &DynaLoader::bootstrap called in 
pp-compiled bianry
   Broken in: 1.007
    Severity: Important
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: >

On Wed Nov 17 12:28:26 2010, RSCHUPP wrote:
> strace also shows that you ran a.exe with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set
> in the environment. Can you rerun a.exe without it and see 
> if the problem goes away? 
Simply setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to "" does not solve the problem, but using

does - a.exe now works (and my binary, which I was trying to run
initially, works too, a.exe was only proof-of-concept).

So workaround is found, thank you for help. Well, if it will be fixed in
pp distribution, it would be very nice. It some more information is
needed, I am ready.

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