Hi Everyone,

Is there a mechanism which will allow me to create a pp'd binary which
can self-update from a PAR::Repository at run-time?

I can create a script which will make use of the PAR::Repository, but
as soon as I create a pp'd binary (EXE or .par), the repository is no
longer used.

Here's what I've got as a demo:

demo $ find . -type f

demo $ cat demo.pl
use PAR { repository => 'file:///tmp/demo/repo',
            fallback => 0,      # check repo first

use Demo;

print "$Demo::ORIGIN\n";

demo $ cat Demo.pm
package Demo;
our $ORIGIN = 'builtin';

demo $ cat blib/Demo.pm
package Demo;
our $ORIGIN = 'repo';

demo $ perl -MPAR::Dist -e 'blib_to_par(name=>"Demo",version=>"0.1")'
Successfully created binary distribution
Its contents are accessible in compliant browsers as:


demo $ parrepo create
Creating new repository at 'repo'.

demo $ parrepo inject -f Demo-0.1-darwin-2level-5.16.0.par
Injecting file 'Demo-0.1-darwin-2level-5.16.0.par' into repository.

demo $ pp -M PAR::Repository::Client -M DBM::Deep::Engine::File -o demo.exe
demo $ pp -M PAR::Repository::Client -M DBM::Deep::Engine::File -p
-o demo.par demo.pl

demo $ perl demo.pl

demo $ parl demo.par

demo $ ./demo.exe

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