Creating standalone executables with PAR:pp is great, but the resulting
executables are slow to start up.

Has anyone looked in to installing a Perl program that has been packaged in
to either a PAR file or an executable?

I have looked inside the pp created executables. I think it would be
possible to create a "" that could install the program it was
packaged with.

Something like:

     pp -o Setup -a /perl/site/bin/Parl.exe

I envision that running the resulting Setup executable would

1. create a "Program" folder under, say, perl/site/bin with and it dependences
2. create a "Program.bat" script in /perl/site/bin which
    would invoke /perl/site/bin/Program/Parl.exe with a
    modified to run

Anyone tried something like this?

Is this reasonably workable?

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