On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 7:55 AM, Bagdevi <bagdevi.mis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> system ("perl a.pl");

There are several things wrong with this:

- You assume that a.pl is in your current working directory - that doesn't
  to be the case even in the unpacked case.
  In the packed case a.pl etc will be located in a temporary cache

- You assume that master.pl was invoked from an executable called "perl"
  (or "perl.exe" on Windows) that can be found via $PATH - what if it's not
  in your path and you called it with an absolute pathname? What if it's
  not even called "perl", but "perl5.18" or similar?

  Always use $^X which is the absolute pathname of the Perl interpreter that
  is executing the current script.

- When packing, you must use "pp --reusable ..." for your scenario to work.

Putting all this together:

==> a.pl <==

use File::Spec;
my $script_dir = File::Spec->catdir($ENV{PAR_TEMP}, qw(inc script));
print STDERR "this is a.pl\n",
             "\$script_dir = $script_dir\n";
             "\$^X = $^X\n";

print STDERR "running b.pl ...\n";
system $^X, File::Spec->catfile($script_dir, "b.pl");

print STDERR "running c.pl ...\n";
system $^X, File::Spec->catfile($script_dir, "c.pl");

print STDERR "a.pl done\n";

==> b.pl <==
print STDERR "this is b.pl\n";

==> c.pl <==
print STDERR "this is c.pl\n";

... pack it...

$ pp --reusable -o foo.exe a.pl b.pl c.pl

...run it

$ ./foo.exe

this is a.pl
$script_dir =
running b.pl ...
this is b.pl
running c.pl ...
this is c.pl
a.pl done

Cheers, Roderich

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