Sat Apr 25 07:00:18 2020: Request 132398 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by RSCHUPP
       Queue: PAR-Packer
     Subject: PAR::Packer and fork
   Broken in: (no value)
    Severity: (no value)
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: >

On 2020-04-23 12:09:26, wrote:
> is there a way to use PAR :: Packer with a module using fork like poe :: 
> wheel :: run or Parallel :: ForkManager or simply by using the perl fork 
> command. 

Dunno. The difference in behaviour of your sample script in "normal"
and pp'ed versions is definitively a bug, but I have no means
(i.e. no Windows) to investigate it. In any case, fork and wait* on
Windows is a minefield.

You might also ask for help on the PAR mailing list,
(no registration required).

> Or pierce another way to compile a perl script in exe

What do you mean by "compile a perl script in exe"?

Cheeers, Roderich

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