Thu Nov 12 15:49:20 2020: Request 132067 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by SLAFFAN
       Queue: PAR-Dist
     Subject: fix for Archive::Zip related test failures due to symlinks 
   Broken in: (no value)
    Severity: (no value)
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: >

On Thu Nov 12 10:07:34 2020, RSCHUPP wrote:
> On 2020-11-11 03:37:20, SLAFFAN wrote:
> > Thanks Roderich, but where is the repo?  There seems not to be one on
> > GitHub.
> Yikes, you're right. I had to "git svn clone" from a dump of the
> original OpenFoundry Subversion repository.
> And then "synthesize" release tags using the Changes file, as the
> previous developers didn't use tags :(
> Now there's
> Cheers, Roderich

Thanks for creating the repo.  

PR submitted in

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