
I am seeing a couple of difficulties in using the XYPlotView in python and 
pvbatch, using ParaView head (3.9)

How does one specify the size of the image saved?

By default, I get a 300x300 pixels image and that is not good enough, since the 
legend takes over much of the space.
I did not find the equivalent of "ViewSize", e.g.

GetRenderView().ViewSize = [1024, 1024]

Another issue is that ALL my data variables are plotted, regardless of my 
explicit setting of 

DataRepresentation3.SeriesVisibility = [  stuff deleted ]

A third issue is that I could not make the macro AnimateReader() work. It gave 
me the following error:

 line 2278, in AnimateReader
    raise RuntimeError, "Saving of animation failed!"

I got around this by writing my own animation loop:

for idx, t in enumerate(reader.TimestepValues):
  XYChartView1.ViewTime = t
  XYChartView1.WriteImage("/scratch/eiger/jfavre/chart1." + str(idx) + ".png", 
"vtkPNGWriter", 1)

and that worked fine, although at resolution 300x300. So, perhaps the 
vtkSMAnimationSceneImageWriter needs to be checked...?

any hints will be appreciated.

Jean M. Favre
Swiss National Supercomputing Center
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