Am 21.12.2012 03:28, schrieb Pradeep Jha:
Thanks for the response everyone and thanks for the detailed response
Ken. It made things a bit more clearer.

But still I dont understand that once I create a Hdf5 data, and even I
create a XDMF file, how can I be sure which reader to use for the data?
So every time I switch to a new data, chances are I might have to try
out all the readers one by one, till one of them plots it fine?
Is there something I am missing?

Once you have created the corresponding filename.xmf that belongs to your filename.h5, you just open filename.xmf in PV. It contains the location and structural info on the HDF5 and thus knows how to open and interpret it. You will no longer be prompted to pick a reader.

Cheers, Jens.

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