I have a block of data that I am trying to AMR. Using the default settings
of num levels 2 and refinement ratio 2, I get an AMR with 2 levels but with
same dimensions. I was hoping for level 1 to be the same dimensions as my
original dataset, and level 0 to be half that in each dimension. How would
I go about doing that? I’ve tried with varying levels of max num blocks. I
guess my general question would be how the resolution of the levels get
determined, because the output is not what I (perhaps naively) expect.

Can someone point me to the flash.smooth dataset, so that I can compare
results, and perhaps move forward from a working example? I looked for it
in vtklargedata but it wasn’t there.

Should I expect AMR vthb datasets to work in ParaViewWeb? I’m running
ParaViewWeb 4.4 from a AWS EC2 AMI instance from here:


And it won’t load my vthb file, even though my supporting files and folders
are there.

 Thanks for all the help!
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