Some of us careless about how much of jargon you can throw around but the
out put of your action must benefit PAC and the struggles its engaged in.
The only reason you see us going out of our way to confront paper tigers
who make a lot of noise on social networking is that they have potential of
confusing other comrades who might not be informed. Some of these paper
tigers after their embarrassing failures they hibernated away from the
Party for some time now when they come back they want to speak as if they
are a voice of honesty, principle and commitment. Cde Raymond history is
good teacher and in this case we are just saying stop trying to project
yourself as something that the PAC knows very you not for history has a
record of you given a chance to lead the party what are you capable of
doing.....a lot of nothing. Unlike you I wont project myself as what I'm
not.......Never confuse the compliment that we as members of the PAC say to
you or about you that you posses wealth of ideological understand for being
our political semi god who we must bow to and ask for a stamp of authority
for every decision concerning the PAC.

As members of the PAC we must understand  our various responsibilities as
membership, leadership and task teams. Time has arrived that we stop
talking a lot and we get out to service our structures to make sure they
are prepared to execute the aims and objectives of the PAC.

On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 2:09 PM, Cape <> wrote:

> I am very sceptical to engage to the debate raised by comrades on the
> matter, the time we agreed about Gauteng Provincial Congress, no one
> differed with that, when the days are close for the Provincial Congress
> comrades are commencing criticising the process, I remember the Soweto
> Congress that gave birth the NEC that gave birth to the Former National
> Treasury-Nkrumah who never even brought a cent to the organisation, the
> whole 3 year term of office, that NEC failed to call Constitutional
> Sitting, PAC on that collapsed until branches decided to usurp power
> through sitting of QwaQwa Congress, even in Congress the NEC was the fence
> sitters and they played a Wait and See process. No report was tabled and SG
> who Likotsi was left alone with no support from his NEC. Not a single
> constitutional platform was created, and I am not wondering
> why Nkrumah always complain, he never respected the party constitution
> himself.  Whatever problems the par ty is facing Nkrumah you are not the
> solution but you are adding problems to the party, how can you always
> complain and you are not bringing any solutions. Comrades must continue
> with Congress and Annual National Conference will continue without you, if
> you decide to throw stones in every effort is made by the party.   WHY THE
> On Tue, 30 Jul 2013 04:14:23 -0700 (PDT) Xola George Tyamzashe <
>> wrote
> Revolutionary Greetings
> Â
> Clearly it seems like I am not the only one who seems to have noticed that
> Cde Nkrumah has not only become a professional fault finder but behaves as
> if the whole PAC revolves around him and that he is the only one that has
> all the solutions to PAC's problems. Things should only happen once they
> have his 'blessings' or approval. He also seems to be the sole
> representative of the Johannesburg Region Preparatory Committee...question
> is what is it that he has been mandated to prepare for for so long? Things
> have to come to a stand still simply because he does not approve. It is
> also with interest that since the 11th of May he has used every social
> network from facebook/whatsup/PAYCO google, to bash/expose the PAC current
> crises and in the meantime boycotting all relevant events (from the last
> PAC National Congress)  irrespective of which 'faction' has called it to
> voice his concern or disapproval, criticizing everyone with his superior
> english and justifying it ideologically.
> Â
> High discipline!
> Â
> Xola Tyamzashe
> *From:* eddie mfulwane <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 30, 2013 12:00 PM
> Cde Raymaond
> It is very sad and disappointing to see cde of your caliber turning
> himself into a directionless anarchist, who just boost with ideological
> jargon and rhetoric. Seemingly there is nothing you know about the PAC
> development as you are always claiming that the so call 'JHB Region" knows
> nothing about everything that the leadership of the Party is announcing.
> Firstly cde RAYMOND when Letlapa was removed, you were on about you as "JHB
> Region" requesting minutes and a signed roll call of NEC members who
> attended the meeting. It is absolute embarrassment that as a former NEC
> members with all the credentials you have you can boldly utter such or
> maybe we must ask u to remind us when have you and your NEC send out any of
> such nature to any lower structure of the party??????. NEC does not report
> and account to any individual who says izwe lethu to it or any individual
> who has access to this Google group but it reports and accounts in
> Congress/Conference. Secondly cde RAYMOND the re is an administrative
> reason that you should have understood a long time ago that if u are not a
> member of a constitutional structure of the PAC, DO NOT expect the PAC to
> keep you up to date with its internal affairs, you guys need to keep your
> focus on making JHB Region a constitutional structure in terms of the PAC
> constitution, build branches. Section 12. of the PAC Constitution is a
> great answer to all these questions you are raising regarding the up coming
> Gauteng Provincial Congress.
> 12.2 Provincial Congress shall be held at such a time and place as may be
> decided upon by the previous provincial congress and in absence of such, by
> the PEC, or as directed by the NEC.
> The focus from your side must be kept on section 15.3 of the PAC
> constitution
> 15.3 Minimum number of five branches shall form a region........t
> This means only hundred members cde RAYMOND and its been many months you
> have speaking on behalf of a team that is trying to build that region until
> today you are still organizing. As a leader i thought you would know some
> of this basics as you are former NEC that seems so obsessed with the
> constitution. How can the PAC achieve all these great ideas you always
> publicize when it has comrades like you who take forever to just organize
> 100 people(5 branches). Every time you think about publicly questioning PAC
> leadership, dedicate a paragraph and inform us on how far are you with
> launching JHB region, then after lets see all these great ideas you preach
> in action. There is a complementary relations between theory and practice.
> It is an element of ill discipline to question the authority and directives
> of the leadership in public platforms as much as making public
> pronunciations on behalf of PAC JH B region branches without being given
> the authority whether there is 1,2 or 3 branches.
> The office of PAC SG communicated and directed 3 provinces to be going to
> Provincial Congresses(Eastern Cape,Gauteng and Limpopo) with dates and this
> is just for your information not for me and you to discuss it here on
> public platforms. If you have issues with that there is a National
> Conference in a few days which also will be guided by the PAC constitution.
> Again there section 5.4 of the PAC Constitution will be guiding us.
> 5.4 Branches that are in full compliance with their fees shall be entitled
> to be represented at the National Congress by one delegate for every 20
> members.
> "if u allow anger and emotions to dominate you......your ability to reason
> degenerates"
> Yours truly
> Eddie Mfulwane
> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi <
>> wrote:
> Comrade Mothelo and all PAC Gauteng Branches and Members
> Â
> Today, the 30th July 2013, we have just learn that you are organising a
> Gauteng Provincial Congress, as Johannesburg Region we know nothing of such
> a provincial congress and Johannesburg Region Branches were never consulted
> and did not form part of any meetings held on the matter. We strongly
> advice that it will be in the best in interests of the PAC that the
> envisaged Provincial Congress should be abandon and priority should be the
> unification of Gauteng PAC branches and members in light of parallel
> structures formed which deepens divisions within the PAC. Since we have not
> received the proposed date, we also suggest that the Gauteng Provincial
> Conference should take place as follows:
> Â
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  *Venue:
> Johannesburg Civic Centre or University of Johannesburg (Central for all
> Gauteng branches)*
> *Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  Date : 23rd (Friday) 
> 25th(Saturday) August 2013
> *
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
> Therefore, the inclusive Gauteng Provincial Conference should analyse the
> political and organisational state of the PAC, having noted that the
> party is being held in paralysis deliberately through the "feuding" of
> these 2 factions namely Letlapa-Narius NEC Factions which are in actual
> fact partners in fulfilling the bidding of the ruling bourgeois
> bureaucracy. Political resolution of this situation requires a
> well-structured and organised Pan Africanist cadreship that will not only
> rebuild the party (ideological, structures and a PoA), but furthermore out
> root the deployed agent provocateurs, but also redirect the party towards
> the African proletariat and focus on seizure of state political power
> through internetworking with other parties, social movements, community
> based organisations, unions and vanguard proletarians to declare war
> against the ruling bourgeois bureaucra cy its petit bourgeois apologists
> AND most importantly- against the labour aristocracy. This requires the
> establishment of cadreship-led nuclei in all major work places,
> communities, schools and campuses to coordinate the execution of the PoA
> for the proletarian seizure of state power.
> Â
> We put before you that there should be an inclusive Gauteng Provincial
> Conference which should consider the following:-
> A.    The current state of paralysis can be overcome through a
> well-orchestrated reconnection of all progressive elements in the party in
> Gauteng province and unification of branches and members, and as PAC
> branches and members based on a clarified programme and approach ourÂ
> collective political work should lead to the removal of the deployed agent
> provocateurs and factionalists in the NEC and PAC as whole; convening of an
> all-inclusive Provincial Conference that must adopt a Programme of Action,
> and election of a capable and committed leadership based on the PoA. This
> necessitates urgent ground work to remobilize st ructures and cadres to
> boycott the current factional machinations (including the August
> conference) and to redirect our efforts towards galvanising of the Azanian
> proletariat and youths.
> B.     We must build a strong cadreship base for struggles ahead
> against the neo-colonial system, this infighting is wasting our energies
> and our time.
> C.    Branches, Regions and Provinces in future should be led by
> ideologically grounded party members with a strong activist culture.
> D.   In rebuilding the PAC, we must also work towards having fulltime
> based office bearers from regional level until national leadership if we
> are serious about execution of a revolutionary programme and taking
> political power.
> E.      We must adopt progressive and revolutionary principles:- 
> *1.*Such as a members having a profit making company and serving as director 
> in
> a profit making company shall not qualify to serve as an office bearer in
> all party structures, *2.* And members to be considered for leadership
> role and responsibilities in or for any of the party structures shall
> should have a proven record of party activism for more than five (5) years
> to ten (10) years. *3.* And a person with a criminal record such as
> murder and rape will not qualify for any leadership role or has been
> arrested for crimes that caused harm to our people and not in furtherance
> of the Objectives of the Pan Africanist Revolution shall not qualify for
> any leadership role and membership. *4.* Fulltime office bearers shall
> earn not more than industrial worker, however earn an aggregate of the
> lowest paid industrial worker and the highest paid industrial worker. 
> *5.*Party will deploy its activists members in trade unions and community 
> based
> organisation led and advance the aims and objective of the Pan Africanist
> Revolution. *6.* Party members shall make a monthly contribution to fund
> and carry party operational Programmes, compensation of full-time office
> bearers and technocrats including funding of all mass based programmes and
> campaign
> We hope for your understanding to unite and re-build PAC
> Â
> Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi
> Johannesburg Region Preparatory Committee
> We
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*Pan-Africanist Youth Congress
Office Of the Secretary General
cde Eddie Mfulwane
Cell: 084 376 6634*

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