Izwe lethu Maforika

Comrade Mawethu I fully agree with Cde Linda, the centre does not hold, it
makes no sense to poor water into a bottomless pit or bucket. The centre
does not hold, actually the centre is incapable to hold, yes we can discuss
the document as proposed and advised by cde Ndamane but then what next? For
example, EFF achieved more than 1 million votes mainly having a vibrant and
articulate national leadership which worked on grounds with members and
dialy. PAC National Leadership as it stands today compared to the EFF is
remain incapable. EFF did not have branches and regional committees and
structures but it had National and Provincial structures composed of a
vibrant and determined leadership which was visible and articulated their
own ideas without being apologetic, a leadership that inspired confidence
among the people, our own Mo-Aforika wa Azania has been fully behind EFF
given the extent of determination and organisation which lacked in
the PAC.Barely eight months after it was formed, the EFF managed to garner
6.35% of the votes in the national elections in May 2014 National and
Provincial Elections.

Let us learn from history and experience within the PAC's NECs
performances. When Patricia De Lille stole the PAC parliamentary seat and
formed ID in 2003 via floor crossing legislation, as PAC we were left only
with Cde Motsoko Pheko as a member of Parliament. After PAC Soweto Congress
NEC elected led by Dr Pheko in 2004 national election PAC got 113 512 votes
which was 3 Parliamentary Seats and during local government
elections obtained 306 747 votes which is a combination of ward + PR + DC
Votes and gave PAC 1.2% which is more than 120 councillors the highest in
the history of the PAC.

The worse part of it for example, we were told that NACTU which has 300 000
members pledged to vote for PAC and EFF, we know that PAC has two NEC
members namely Cde Moloto serving also as NACTU General Secretary and Cde
Joseph Maqhekeni serving as NACTU President, SACWU President was on the PAC
National List of Parliament, this make PAC to have more than 3 people
forming part of NACTU Central Committee. And by the way BCAWU which led by
PAC comrades has more than 25 000 members and SACWU has more than 15 000
members, Hotellica has more 5000 members, NUFBSAW has more than 5000
members, AMCU has more than 200 000 members BUT our PAC got just less than
40 000 votes during 7th May 2014 National Elections.

Now as PAC members we must ask without fear or favour, how did it happen
that NACTU with more 300 000 members did not vote PAC when we have
more leaders of PAC serving and leading NACTU Central Committee? This
points  again to the very reality we are trying to avoid, which is, the
current leadership of PAC is incapable to lead and grow PAC! Instead, they
have become successful in  sowing and deepening factionalism in the PAC.

Comrade Fihla, for a senior party leader of your calibre to randomly use
words such as enemy agents without proof is highly questionable especially
during a robust debate, I am disappointed by the manner you addressed my
view, however I must equally put before you a common sotho adage that
"moloi ga a ipolele" and also one that says "tshwene ga e ipone mariba".

This generation of Mpethi-Moloto their time has past they had an
opportunity since 2006 QwaQwa National Congress until, PAC requires
generation change for once I fully agree with PAYCO and PASMA NEC Comrades,
PAC needs new revolutionary blood to multiply its fortunes Comrades must
realise time is moving and that we are growing old while the PAC is thrown
to the periphery we should refuse to see PAC dying before our very own
eyes, there is enough talent in PAC of comrades who can take PAC far and
perform wonders.

Izwe lethu

On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Tongogara Ndima <ndimatongog...@gmail.com>

> Izwe lethu Maforika
> Comrade Mawethu I fully agree with Cde Linda, the centre does not hold, it
> makes no sense to poor water into a bottomless pit or bucket. The centre
> does not hold, actually the centre is incapable to hold, yes we can discuss
> the document as proposed and advised by cde Ndamane but then what next? For
> example, EFF achieved more than 1 million votes mainly having a vibrant and
> articulate national leadership which worked on grounds with members and
> dialy. PAC National Leadership as it stands today compared to the EFF is
> remain incapable. EFF did not have branches and regional committees and
> structures but it had National and Provincial structures composed of a
> vibrant and determined leadership which was visible and articulated their
> own ideas without being apologetic, a leadership that inspired confidence
> among the people, our own Mo-Aforika wa Azania has been fully behind EFF
> given the extent of determination and organisation which lacked in the PAC.
> Let us learn from history and experience within the PAC's NECs
> performances. When Patricia De Lille stole the PAC parliamentary seat and
> formed ID in 2003 via floor crossing legislation, as PAC we were left only
> with Cde Motsoko Pheko as a member of Parliament. After PAC Soweto Congress
> NEC elected led by Dr Pheko in 2004 national election PAC got 113 512 votes
> and during local government elections obtained 306 747 votes which is a
> combination of ward + PR + DC Votes and gave PAC 1.2% which is more than
> 120 councillors the highest in the history of the PAC.
> The worse part of it for example, we were told that NACTU which has 300
> 000 members pledged to vote for PAC and EFF, we know that PAC has two NEC
> members namely Cde Moloto serving also as NACTU General Secretary and Cde
> Joseph Maqhekeni serving as NACTU President, SACWU President was on the PAC
> National List of Parliament, this make PAC to have more than 3 people
> forming part of NACTU Central Committee. And by the way BCAWU which led by
> PAC comrades has more than 25 000 members and SACWU has more than 15 000
> members, Hotellica has more 5000 members, NUFBSAW has more than 5000
> members, AMCU has more than 200 000 members BUT our PAC got just less than
> 40 000 votes during 7th May 2014 National Elections.
> Now as PAC members we must ask without fear or favour, how did it happen
> that NACTU with more 300 000 members did not vote PAC when we have
> more leaders of PAC serving and leading NACTU Central Committee? This
> points  again to the very reality we are trying to avoid, which is, the
> current leadership of PAC is incapable to lead and grow PAC! Instead, they
> have become successful in  sowing and deepening factionalism in the PAC.
> Comrade Fihla, for a senior party leader of your calibre to randomly use
> words such as enemy agents without proof is highly questionable especially
> during a robust debate, I am disappointed by the manner you addressed my
> view, however I must equally put before you a common sotho adage that
> "moloi ga a ipolele" and also one that says "tshwene ga e ipone mariba".
> This generation of Mpethi-Moloto their time has past they had an
> opportunity since 2006 QwaQwa National Congress until, PAC requires
> generation change for once I fully agree with PAYCO and PASMA NEC Comrades,
> PAC needs new revolutionary blood to multiply its fortunes Comrades must
> realise time is moving and that we are growing old while the PAC is thrown
> to the periphery we should refuse to see PAC dying before our very own
> eyes, there is enough talent in PAC of comrades who can take PAC far and
> perform wonders.
> Izwe lethu
> Ndima
> On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 1:49 PM, 'Mawethu Sidzamba' via Pan Africanist
> Youth Congress <payco@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> Good day Comrades
>> I think we have nothing to lose in engaging the document circulated by
>> comrade Siya. The reason  we are found wanting on matters we claim to have
>> insight and knowledge of is because whenever there is an opportunity to
>> influence debate and cerebrally apply ourselves on fundamental issues we
>> instead blame others for our state of paralysis.
>> Cde Ndima, while I wouldn't trivialize your thoughts on leadership allow
>> me to state that they are not raised in the same unifying tone as the
>> letter earlier circularized by Cde Matome Mashao.
>> Quite honestly the discussion of the document as proposed by Cde Siya in
>> fact reminds us of what we should be doing instead.
>> Going back to your list, one comrade, to be specific Cde Nkrumah is on
>> record having renounced the habit of including his name in what he termed
>> efforts to perpetuate factions but I see persistence from some of
>> us despite his candid admonishment.
>> Once again I see no ideological nor political reasons why we should not
>> engage the Rural Development Ministry Policy proposal as beckoned by Cde
>> Siya.
>> Please see this in context son of the soil, no offence intended.
>> Mawethu
>>    On Friday, June 27, 2014 8:40 AM, Tongogara Ndima <
>> ndimatongog...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Moaforika Siya Ndamane
>> Your effort is highly appreciated but the biggest problem facing PAC is
>> factions which corrodes and undermine any form of rationality. Narius
>> Moloto supported by those who formed part of the 11th May 2013 'NEC
>> Meeting' achieved to destroy PAC in less than 24 months, this destruction
>> of PAC was quickly achieved in a manner that CIA and NIA combined could not
>> achieve.
>> Our priority now is to root out factionalist leadership of Mpethi-Moloto
>> at the September 2014 National Conference, so that we can be able to
>> rebuild the PAC and also focus on constructive issues such as party PoA and
>> related policies. Lets focus on this immediate priority and we can create
>> an open democratic space to rebuild PAC. We must be aware that Moloto has
>> already started creating ghost branches and ghost membership to be
>> transported to Bloemfontein September Conference. Moloto is having
>> discussions with Likotsi who had agreed to organise six buses of to the
>> conference and legitimate branches membership opposing Moloto will be
>> excluded or their delegates will be reduced.
>> Moloto's term of office must be brought  to closure to an end in
>> September  2014 Bloemfontein Conference. I lobby all PAC Branches and
>> Members to join forces and unite to remove the divisive and bring to an end
>> the destruction programme of Narius Moloto.
>> For those PAC Branches and members who did not get September Conference
>> Notices, find the attached Conference Notices and Proposed Constitutional
>> Amendments made by Moloto alone. Since when did an individual propose
>> constitutional amendments. Some constitutional amendment proposed by
>> Narius Moloto says that members must pay monthly subscription of R100,00
>> which is R1200,00, now this becomes discriminatory and excludes unemployed
>> PAC members, and Narius Moloto want to turn PAC to be another capitalist
>> orientated party of the working elites. We support monthly contribution,
>> but such must not be made compulsory and should be used to determine a
>> membership political status because majority of PAC branches are kept alive
>> by unemployed and workers who are paid low wages!
>> Narius Moloto must also explain about Sobukwe Account, what happened with
>> the monies we contributed because he worked very closely with Letlapa as
>> the Party Builder. The idea of parallel structures has been Moloto's idea
>> during Letlapa term of office. Moloto must be removed with immediate
>> effect, I wonder why the NEC has not acted on him till now! But we cannot
>> waste anymore enough time
>> This nonsense must stop! PAC Must Prevail, Lets Unite and Salvage the PAC!
>> Izwe lethu
>> Ndima
>> On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 10:45 AM, <sndam...@pac-cape.org.za> wrote:
>>   Comrades
>> Please interact with this Policy Proposal from Minister Gugile Nkwinti -
>> Rural Development and Land reform.
>> As the Liberation Movement we have a duty to engage this document and
>> come up with concrete solutions on Land Question. This government is trying
>> by all means to delay the restoration of the Land to its rightfull owners .
>> . .understanding the reality of food security it is important that we come
>> up with practical means to address the Land Question.
>> Please take time to understand this Proposal in line with other Acts and
>> Constitution of South Africa, identify ideological and political gaps that
>> has to be addressed by the Basic Line of the PAC.
>> What is important is for the PAC to critique this document and come up
>> with a clear progressive Revolutionary solution that talks directly to the
>> interest of the poor African majority.
>>  We just cannot be quiet on this matter at the same time we cannot be
>> seen fumbling with unclear political line on the LAND QUESTION . . .!
>>  iAfrika
>> 083 790 6470
>>  ". . . . . . I will always serve, suffer, and sacrifice anything for
>> the cause for which the PAC stands, and will at all times be
>> *       ready to go on any mission that I may be called upon to perform.
>> "*
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