Izwe lethu M'Afrika


While I share the same sentiments with those advanced by comrade Linda, one
dimension which we tend to omit is that we adopt a generalist approach and
place all under the same political line, pertain the state of the party.
Indeed, we should take collective blame however PAC is faced with a two line
ideological struggle hence there is a refusal for an inclusive national
conference. Therefore, a great amount of work is needed before the evil
influence of the bourgeois reactionary line can be eradicated. The bourgeois
reactionary line has its social basis which is mainly in the comprador
bourgeoisie. The erroneous line has a certain audience inside the Party,
because there exist the handful of persons inside the Party who are in power
and are taking the capitalist road, and who regard this erroneous line as
their protective talisman; and because there are still a considerable number
of muddle-headed people inside the Party whose world outlook has not been
remoulded or has not been effectively remoulded. A process is required for
these comrades to return from the erroneous line to the correct line.


      Distinctions should be made among those who have committed errors of
line. Those (there are only one, two or several persons) who have put
forward the erroneous line should be distinguished from those who have put
it into effect; those (these are a minority) who have consciously
implemented the erroneous line should be distinguished from those (there is
a large number of these) who have done it unconsciously; we should
differentiate between those who have put it into practice to a serious
extent and those to a not so serious extent; differentiate between those who
cling to their mistakes and those who are willing to correct them and are
already in the process of doing so.


Generally speaking, the contradictions between those comrades who committed
errors of line on the one hand and the Party and the masses on the other are
still contradictions among the people. Provided that they can correct their
errors, return to the correct stand and carry out the Party's correct line,
it is not only possible for them to become cadres of the second category
[comparatively good] or of the third category [those who have made serious
mistakes but have not become anti-Party, anti-socialist Rightists], it is
also possible for them to develop into cadres of the first category [good].
Nevertheless, these comrades must be sharply told that no matter who they
are, and no matter how great their past achievements, if they cling to the
erroneous line, the nature of the contradictions between them and the Party
and the masses will change; the non-antagonistic contradictions then may
become antagonistic contradictions and they will slide down the anti-Party
and anti-socialist road.


The mark distinguishing rectification of errors from stubborn adherence to
them is the attitude towards the masses and whether they have publicly
admitted before the masses that they have carried out the erroneous line;
whether they have made serious efforts to reverse the decisions passed on
those of the revolutionary masses who have been branded as
"counter-revolutionaries," "anti-Party elements," "Rightists,"
"pseudo-Leftists but genuine Rightists"; and whether they have publicly
rehabilitated them and support the revolutionary actions of the
revolutionary masses.


Shango lashu



From: payco@googlegroups.com [mailto:payco@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of
Linda Ndebele
Sent: 04 September 2014 10:55 AM
To: payco@googlegroups.com; linda.ndeb...@newcastle.gov.za;
ad...@pac.org.za; wgaj...@gmail.com; rammymfulw...@gmail.com;
richardma...@yahoo.com; river.mla...@telkomsa.net;
ramotw...@maruleng.gov.za; takalaniligeg...@gmail.com;
tumimod...@hotmail.co.za; tyamza...@yahoo.com; tnta...@webmail.co.za;
isaa...@diplomat-global.com; i...@bataufc.com; lea...@hotmail.com;
phillipdhlam...@yahoo.com; p...@vodamail.co.za; paccapeme...@webmail.co.za;
pasmapresid...@gmail.com; pactshwanereg...@gmail.com;
pacmogalec...@gmail.com; pac.nc...@gmail.com; phumzilenom...@hotmail.co.za;
pacaza...@webmail.co.za; s...@pac.org.za; smollzo...@gmail.com;
sndam...@pac-cape.org.za; sbusiso.x...@gmail.com; dud...@webmail.co.za;
digashuma...@gmail.com; dmalo...@klerksdorp.org; goqwana.san...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] FW: attack on party annual conference


Greetings comrades,

Indeed our belovered movement is in crisis. The challenge is that we are in
a denial mode. Those who are in control of levers of power hold a view that
all is in order because they are in power and it will augur negatively if
they accept that the party is getting weaker each day under their guard.
Those who are outside of power, we hold a view that the party is in crisis,
we don't blame ourselves but those in power. In isizulu we say
"Inkombankombane, lowo nalowo uvikela ihlo lakhe".

What makes one not to see the light at the end of the tunnel, is that out of
all these discussions we hardly find a convergence point in terms of the
wayforward. Neither side presents any concrete plan and steps to rescue the
party from the quagmire it finds itself. There has been two interesting
calls made that have not been entertained to this end. 1. The holding of an
all-inclusive Conference (whose aim would be to reconcile different
factions, look at the state of the party and devise strategies and decisions
that can resuscitate the PAC) 2. The call for a National Programme of Action
(whose purpose would be to marshal our efforts and gear PAC for state

I am quite certain comrades that hailing insults to each other and refusing
to take collective responsibility to the current state of the party will not
help our movement anyhow but will continue to discourage and demoralize our
die-hard members and drive in droves young supporters to EFF and other
political parties.

Leaders who must take PAC forward are those who are prepared to take
ownership to the mess PAC find itself and invite all to assist in cleaning
up our movement. We need leaders who would be hands-on, selfless and who can
rise above the problem.

I believe PAC can be rescued only if we accept that we are in crisis, we all
contributed to it and we need everybody's shoulder on the deck to get our
movement out of this mess.

Izwe lethu!

Linda Kwame Ndebele 

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!


From: "'Mbuyiselo Kantso' via Pan Africanist Youth Congress"

Sender: payco@googlegroups.com 

Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2014 23:41:17 -0700

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ReplyTo: payco@googlegroups.com 

Subject: Re: [PAYCO] FW: attack on party annual conference


Morning Cde. Raymond


I think it is now clear that up and above the feuding NEC you have an
individual in the form of an S.G who thinks he wilds a wisdom above all
others. By the way you are talking about a so called board room or office
bound NEC which operates somewhere in a building in Joburg which can hardly
pull one revolutionary programme. In terms of the history of the PAC you
maybe sitting with an SG who has performed worse than any other S.G at any


The SG went to several media houses claiming the PAC is ready to govern and
the elections results suggest something else. Any revolutionary leader must
be a person whom when time calls for serious introspection and checks and
balances he does so to assist the party not his/her self righteousness
attitude/mentality. Relying only on a conference which will have bussed and
ghost branches wont assist the party in anyway. Take the Birchwood
Conference I am told there were bussed delegates who never participated in
discussions and some were drinking alcohol as they were there for an outing.


 For me arguing endlessly with this so called NEC powers it is a waste of
time and the lesser we talk about this SG the better it is. The truth is
since the Butterworth Congress the PAC was never in politics and hence its
silence in the political activities of the country. I don't blame the SG
because if people who work with him attend meetings to discuss people and
suspensions and expulsions and then call that progress in the party tough
luck for PAC members and its future. Personally I hate people who like
claiming things that don't exist and for me to suggest the party has
developed capacity to operate behind enemy lines is cheap and weak
revolutionary theory to say the least.


There is only one lesson we can draw from this post Butterworth NEC and that
is when we approach the leadership issue we must all be sober and be serious
about it. I think the reason why the PAC was successful from its inception
it was mainly due to the facts I raised above and they elected office
President and SG and put the leadership which had what it takes to build a
revolutionary party. It is more than 24 months since we had an NEC but al
what we are consuming is a blame game. I have enough years in PAC to simply
see what works and what wont work. You can have Cde Moloto for the next 100
years there as an SG all you are going to have is cheap manipulation,
disorder, weekly suspensions and poor performance of PAC at all levels of
party operations. In short it does not matter how right he says things will
remain the same.


Izwe Lethu!





On Wednesday, September 3, 2014 5:10 PM, Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi
<nrkgag...@gmail.com> wrote:


Izwe lethu M'Afrika

Comrade Linda, the attached documents, once more confirms the question you
raised. But the task facing all of us, it is to salvage the PAC from
complete obliteration waged by the feuding 'NEC'. 

Founding leaders of PAC are turning in their graves!

Shango lashu

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Admin @ Pac" <ad...@pac.org.za>
Date: 02 Sep 2014 3:44 PM
Subject: attack on party annual conference
To: "Admin @ Pac" <ad...@pac.org.za>, <wgaj...@gmail.com>, <
rammymfulw...@gmail.com>, <richardma...@yahoo.com>, <
river.mla...@telkomsa.net>, <ramotw...@maruleng.gov.za>, <
takalaniligeg...@gmail.com>, <tumimod...@hotmail.co.za>, <
tyamza...@yahoo.com>, <tnta...@webmail.co.za>,
<isaa...@diplomat-global.com>, <i...@bataufc.com>, <lea...@hotmail.com>,
<phillipdhlam...@yahoo.com>, < p...@vodamail.co.za>, "Cape"
<paccapeme...@webmail.co.za>, < pasmapresid...@gmail.com>,
<pactshwanereg...@gmail.com>, < pacmogalec...@gmail.com>,
<pac.nc...@gmail.com>, < phumzilenom...@hotmail.co.za>,
<pacaza...@webmail.co.za>, "Narius Moloto" < s...@pac.org.za>,
<smollzo...@gmail.com>, <sndam...@pac-cape.org.za>, <
sbusiso.x...@gmail.com>, <dud...@webmail.co.za>, <digashuma...@gmail.com>,
"Delano Maloney" <dmalo...@klerksdorp.org>, <goqwana.san...@gmail.com>, <
hlubi.so...@gmail.com>, <joseph.maqhek...@sasol.com>, <jntab...@gmail.com>,
<kutie.thondl...@gmail.com>, "Lekgathi" <0825164...@vodamail.co.za>, <
lucasmmol...@gmail.com>, <znyam...@gmail.com>, <billiard.s...@gmail.com>, <
bulanng...@gmail.com>, <bennet_j...@yahoo.com>, "bulelanim1718" <
bulelanim1...@nokiamail.com>, <ndhlo...@pac.org.za>, <
nakaphala.ba...@gmail.com>, <nnyq...@gmail.com>, "Michael Muendane" <
m...@soultalk.co.za>, <mapulankoan...@gmail.com>,
<mvakalijust...@gmail.com>, <mbind...@gmail.com>, <mrfihl...@gmail.com>,
"Mohlomphegi Mphahlele" < mphah...@eskom.co.za>,
<malingeplaat...@yahoo.com>, <mphothobej...@yahoo.com>,
<mokoen...@workmail.co.za>, <moshemahlom...@gmail.com>, "Pinkie Monyane" <
monyanepin...@gmail.com>, <mop...@pac.org.za>, <mnd...@yahoo.com>, <
po...@yahoo.com>, <celenjabulo...@gmail.com>
Cc: <njabulo.m...@gmail.com>, <vu...@telkomsa.net>, <
river.mla...@telkomsa.net>, <tnta...@webmail.co.za>

Izwe Lethu

Please find the attached for your attention.

Pass the message to other structure and members.


PAC of Azania

Tel : 011 331 3415/ 14/ 11

Fax : 086 527 0380

Email : ad...@pac.org.za

Website: www.pac.org.za


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