True, but I only have the dropouts in audio when the announcer is between
frazes, like it's with their technology rather than my stream.

Yes, I've had the same software issue. I just close the player window and
re-click the link featuring the game I want.

If you use the mouse-pointer (assuming you use Window-eyes) there is an icon
that says something like "change preferences" or something close to that.
The audio--despite come of the things I have read on this list----is a far
cry from what it was last year with a broadband connection. It's so bad,
they should almost be paying me to have it, but I'm a baseball nut so I'm an
easy sell.

Hope that helps, if not let me know off list...Chuck

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Bishop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "pc-audio list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 1:00 AM
Subject: mlb and dropout

> Just wondering if others have noticed more dropout when listening to
baseball games on mlb gameday audio?  We moved and I had to switch from
earthlink dsl
> to sbcglobal dsl.  Don't know if it's because I'm using it more now or if
sbcglobal has a tighter bandwidth or what, but the games seem to drop out a
lot more than
> I remember.  REally iritating when it drops right in the middle of an
exciting play.
> Also, does anyone know how to change your player and speed preferences
once you've set them up?
> Finally, I get a message every day or two that real player needs
additional software to play this stream and then proceeds to check for it.
It nereports that no
> software update is available and there's an ok button.  When this happens,
I get no audio and have to click on the station link again to get it
started.  It
> happens only every so often as though it only checks for updates
periodically.  Anyone else noticing this?
> Thanks,
> Don
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