Hello, Wayne,

I make folders for the overflow and move
the songs into the new folders.  In my
case, where I burn CD's after encoding a
folder of 200 songs or less, (I watch
the amount I put onto a disc closely
now) I have folders with oldies and
separate folders for folk music.
Sometimes, I will make a mixed folder of
mp3's of folk, country classics and
oldies and burn those onto a CD.
Sometimes, I focus on several artist or
groups and put them together.  There are
many ways of organizing the music.  My
drive is only 18.6 gb, so I have to
periodically clean off a lot of stuff.
So, now, any time I complete a new
folder of music small enough to burn
onto a disc, I burn it while it's still
fresh.  I have to rotate my music often.


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 7:09 PM
Subject: Organizing lots of music

> Greetings. I'm curious how people that
have more than 500 songs, organize
> their music? I have nearly 650 songs,
and though its kind of fun having them
> all in one directory and alphabetized,
it does seem a  little time consuming
> if I'm looking for a particular one.
For instance, do you organize by
> artist, album, genre, or other
> Many thanks,
> Wayne
> www.wayneism.com
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