On Thu, 17 Nov 2005 16:37:14 -0600, you wrote:

>If it has satellite support and all that, it's probably more meant for 
>commercial radio, and would probably need to be hooked up to another machine 
>for actual streaming. 

Not at all.  There's a plug-in section where you can specify a DSP
(Shoutcast) plug-in and be on the air right away.  As soon as I figure
out a few more things about it, I'm going to try, but the Spanish they
are using is very specialized/technical, definitely  not covered in
the Middlebury schooling I got thirty years ago.  Oh well, I'm keeping
at it, though.

>I always wondered how stations like scott-fm recorded 
>CBS off some AM station, and cut away from it at just the right time. I 
>noticed that they play the de-doop tone instead of the chirp that CBS I last 
>knew of had.

There's a dozen ways to skin the automation cat--tone-detectors,
timers, silence-detectors, all manner of things.

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