I offer this for your education. I don't know if this software is speech
friendly but it is free.

 AV Video Karaoke Maker v1.0.22 [6.06M] [Win2k/XP/Vista] [FREE]
 A stand-alone karaoke-mastering tool for home karaoke enthusiasts. It
offers the ability to create a new or open a previously saved karaoke
project by importing sound and lyrics, video or static backgrounds from
different formats; synchronizing lyrics and sound; previewing the current
karaoke project; and exporting the karaoke project to different video
 [http://dvd-player.audio4fun.com/video-karaoke-maker.htm ] 

     djc's Jukebox: http://paulmerrell.net:9212 or
http://sc8.spacialnet.com:22734/ Saturday Evenings 9 to midnight Eastern.

     My Journal http://livejournal.com/users/djc1                       
             email Or Msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     I C Q Number Is: 4781694

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