I shouldn't think you'd have to do anything to the files. Other then save
them as yucky MP3. I wish more things could hand lausless formats and as
such had more memory. As rto the M3U list, can the car's media player handle
them? What's more, this only matters if you have a particular order in which
you want said songs played. An M3U thinging is a play list. If you can
navigate such a list and go from song to song, well then, it might just be
more convenient to create a M3U play list. Just find out if the Media player
can take it though. The car's owner manual should have a section on this I'd

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 9:15 PM
To: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Subject: copying music onto a thumb drive to play in the car

Hello fellow pc-audio listers:
I'd like to download some music to put onto a thumb drive to which my
Parents can play in the car. Unlike my Dad's car, my Mom's car doesn't have
a cd player, and when we go on road trips to Canada, we often use her car.
So I was just wondering, once I have the songs I want downloaded to the
computer, do I have to do anything special to the files in order to get them
to play correctly in the car? Should I save all the files as one long .m3u
file or can I just put the files on the drive as individual mp3s. The way
the thumb drive in my Mom's car works, is simple. All you have to do is put
the thumb drive in, and the music starts playing. Then, when you're finished
listening, you simply pull the drive out and the radio starts playing again.
Cool huh? Thanks in advance for your help.
Rochester, NY.

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