Hi Martin,

the new developer version has solved my problem.

Thanks a lot again,

Am 14.01.2014 um 08:39 schrieb Martin Paul <martin.p...@univie.ac.at>:

> Hi Dennis and all,
> as reported, patch downloads stopped to work yesterday. The first problem was 
> that there seems to be a new certificate used for HTTPS on login.oracle.com, 
> signed by different CA certificates than before.
> While this problem could be worked around, patch downloads still failed as 
> login.oracle.com answered all authentication requests with "401 
> Unauthorized". This second problem seems to have gone away (or fixed by 
> Oracle) over night.
> I fixed the problem with the HTTPS certs by including the necessary CA certs 
> in the current development release of PCA:
>  http://www.par.univie.ac.at/solaris/pca/develop/pca
> Please try that and see if the downloads work again and let me know about it. 
> I will then release a new stable release of PCA.
> Martin.

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