Title: Wick/Shrew Summary

Saturday, April 7

I think a sharp stick in the eye would have been more enjoyable than trying to run races this morning. Everything looked promising to get 8-10 races off and then it suddenly didn't. One B division FJ race was started in a Northwesterly which quickly deteriorated as we began the A division Z420 race. B division finished their race as the RC tried for a second time to start A. Many attempts later, with the help of ICSA rep Brian Swingly, it was decided to let the girls eat, warm up and try this later. After Lunch at 2:20pm, the breeze increased and moved a little right almost blowing straight down the cove. Perfect! A division finally started race one and again about 1/2 way around the breeze decided to kick me as we tried to get B going and then it completely died and I cried. But Super Forecaster Mike Kalin called in a perfect 15knot Southerly with great waves and we were able to get off six races in each division and call it a day as the fleets finished around 5:45pm. All Courses were W4's. No protest were filed and one breakdown was heard resulting in RDG for a broken vang shackle. The temps never really got much warmer than 42 degrees which felt colder with the wind chill. Many thanks to our friends at the Coast Guard Academy for towing down a coach boat as well as Julie Wilson for loaning her 18ft Zodiac and for also keeping me company on the RC. Tomorrows forecast promises a great 10-15 knot breeze from the NW. I'll believe it when I see it. Goodnight. I'm off to find that stick for tomorrow.....

Top 5

Visit http://scores.collegesailing.org/s18/wick-shrew/ for full results.

1Charleston Cougars273259
2Yale Bulldogs352661
3Brown Bears482270
4Stanford Cardinal323971
5Boston University Terriers483482
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