Title: Wick/Shrew Summary

Sunday, April 8

What a tease! Both fleeted hit the starting line in a 12-16knot Northwesterly with the temps hovering around 39 degrees. Many teams raced the first two races of the day with their heavy wind crews and it looked like it was going to last for a while. The RC found a great median spot for the windward mark with large left and right shifts. During the second race the breeze began to diminish and many light air crews came back out to race in the third race of the day still in the Northwesterly around 6-12 knots. Not bad, we can race a bunch of races in this. Race 10B was started but on the second downwind leg to the finish the upper/middle part of the race course glassed off. NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!..... Both 10A and B were abandoned and sent in for lunch just around 12:15. All were hopeful that with the breeze dying we could get a seabreeze and finish of the day with more great racing like yesterday afternoon. Coach/Meteorologist Kalin wasn't feeling the seabreeze in his bones until just before the 3pm deadline. Teams waited ashore hopeful to launch and race. It was not meant to be. Racing was called at 2pm with no sign of the seabreeze. Mother Nature didn't cooperate this weekend but at least she didn't play with my emotions again as the wind was too light to even try to race. Rather she let the sailors enjoy each others company for a couple of hours on the YCYC hardtop. Highlights: No sharp stick needed today! Cool Helly Hanson Trophies! The sun was out! I got to shake the hand of an FX Olympian!! (My daughter is so jealous) No Breakdowns! No Protest! Cooked cookies in the new YCYC oven!:) Teams actually followed the parking logistics today!!

Good luck to everyone as they finish off their season!!

Top 5

Visit http://scores.collegesailing.org/s18/wick-shrew/ for full results.

1Charleston Cougars425597
2Brown Bears7426100
3Yale Bulldogs5951110
4Rhode Island Rams5163114
5MIT Engineers6664130
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