
I am glad the companion document [0] is on the SPRING agenda. It is not
clear if the plan is to move it to SPRING WG with a change in draft name
and make it fully protocol agnostic by removing any details specific to PCE.

Please go over the minutes of 113 [1] and provide an update on the list.
That would help in moving the discussion forward.

Few comments -

- I suggest removing figure 1 and do not assign bit positions (leave that
for the IANA).  This is no longer aligned as a new document ahead in the
publication queue can request flags (in this case the recent update of
stateful GMPLS I-D did just that)
-  Since PATH-RECOMPUTATION TLV is useful only for delegated LSP, encoding
it in an LSP object might be a better option than LSPA (which is allowed
for PCReq as well). It is also easier to check the delegate flag in the LSP
object and add text to ignore the TLV if it is not set.

Hope this helps!


[0] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-schmutzer-pce-cs-sr-policy/
[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/minutes-113-pce/
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