I have some suggestions regarding this listserv.  I recently joined after
hearing that PCES had opened up a listserv.  Several Bay Area insect
enthusiasts and I have been discussing how we could ask identification
questions, discuss new finds and arrange field trips.  This listserv might
meet those needs but I'm unsure what the policies will be.

I suggest opening up the listserv to nonmembers as well as members.  This
will allow enthusiasts to get involved in the Society, get updates and
announcements and presumably then become dues paying members.  There seems
to be plenty of interest in insects in our area but there is not an easy
online forum for sharing those interests.  I doubt there will be much of a
problem with spam and trolls, and I am willing to assist with moderation of
the listserv.

A couple of examples of successful open forums are Entomo-L and Sam Droege's
Beemonitoring Yahoo Group:


Thanks for considering my suggestions.

Brad Kelley

-----Original Message-----
From: pces-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu
[mailto:pces-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu] On Behalf Of Dooley, John W - APHIS
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 9:35 AM
To: Kipling (Kip) Will; Brett, Roberta; RLA; Kavanaugh, Dave; Patrick
O'Grady; Lee,Vince; bob zuparko; T.C. MacRae; Steve Lew
Cc: PCES@lists.berkeley.edu
Subject: RE: PCES SMO Outreach

Happy New Year to all members.

Quite some time ago I sent out some emails asking for help/advice and for
volunteers maintaining a Facebook page, blog or static webpages for the
Society or any other ideas.  Since the new officers are in their official
function now, I am again asking for help and volunteers so we can promote
and develop PCES into an even better and more active society.   I have
received responses showing the benefits and fear of FaceBook and the
possibility of developing a blog on our FaceBook page (if this is
possible--(I am a noviate when talking about FaceBook).   Any ideas what
else would help and how to further pursue a blog, if this would be utilized?
I also need volunteers to help decide what route(s) to take and where to go
from here.

John William Dooley
SMO Chairperson
MS Organismal Biology, SJSU
389 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 2A
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
650-8769093 (office)
650-8760915 (fax)
650-3338426 (cell)
Personal email: padraicsiob...@hotmail.com

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