No strong opinion. I think the use case matters. Your example is a simple 
implementation of posix regex. PCRE is much more complex, but if you don't need 
its features, this simple code can do as well. PCRE searches the first 
occurrence of a pattern, and returns a lot of info like the position of 
capturing brackets. OpenCL is designed to run the same kernel on a large number 
of inputs. So if your use case is finding all occurrence of a pattern 
(including intersecting ones), OpenCL might be useful again, since you can run 
the same kernel from all starting positions in the same time. However, this 
could waste a lot of power if you only need the first one. Another question is 
the effectiveness of the code, since the OpenCL compiler is a lightweight 
compiler, which prefers compilation speed over compiler optimizations.

Btw you don't need to copy the input if you use a system which supports host 
pointers like many embedded systems.


james jones <> írta:
>What do you think about this approach?On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 5:34 PM, james 
>jones> wrote:>
I have been able to port and compile the one below but I am having a little 
trouble with getting strings from ram to the memory on the graphics. Getting a 
lot memory access error right before a seg fault. I am just doing it wrong and 
need to make sure I am copying the array correctly. I have not looked at it in 
about two weeks. Will pick it up again over the weekend.>

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