ouch, this is a bug in that case.  On my dolist to check it out...


On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 06:47:50PM -0400, marius schebella wrote:
> hi roman,
> thanks for bringing this one up :). just tested it on OSX and here is 
> what I got: it has some effect, but not as supposed. It extends the path 
> relative to the directory of the pdpatch (and not as stated in the help 
> "relative to Pd").
> in your case: it seems your testpatch resides in 
> /home/roman/testpatch97.pd. therefor [declare -stdpath extra/mrpeach]
> extends the searchpath to /home/roman/extra/mrpeach.
> so all the lines that contain "tried /home/roman/extra/mrpeach/..." are 
> a result of the declare object.
> The behaviour is definitely not as written in the docs, but it kind of 
> makes sense to make relative declarations always relative to the file 
> location as opposed to the pd binary.
> so you can decide what exactly the bug is, the wrong behaviour or the 
> wrong documentation.
> regarding the "relative to what?" question, I think both behaviours 
> could be useful (rel to patch and rel to Pd). Maybe "declare -stdpath" 
> should actually be "declare -relpath" (relative to the patch) and 
> "declare -rel2pdpath" (relative to the pd binary), but then is the 
> directory of "pd binary" really the directory that all paths should be 
> relative to? or as some other people already suggested, make it relative 
> to the directory that holds the "bin" and the "extra" (and the "src") 
> folder.
> marius.
> Roman Haefeli wrote:
> > hi all
> > 
> > i have [tcpserver] from mrpeach installed in:
> > 
> > /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/mrpeach/tcpserver.pd_linux
> > 
> > and i have a patch with:
> > 
> > [declare -stdpath extra/mrpeach]
> > 
> > [tcpserver]
> > 
> > 
> > however, [tcpserver] doesn't instantiate. as verbose output i get:
> > 
> > tried /home/roman/extra/mrpeach/tcpserver.l_i386 and failed
> > tried /home/roman/tcpserver.l_i386 and failed
> > tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/tcpserver.l_i386 and failed
> > tried /home/roman/extra/mrpeach/tcpserver.pd_linux and failed
> > tried /home/roman/tcpserver.pd_linux and failed
> > tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/tcpserver.pd_linux and failed
> > tried /home/roman/extra/mrpeach/tcpserver/tcpserver.l_i386 and failed
> > tried /home/roman/tcpserver/tcpserver.l_i386 and failed
> > tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/tcpserver/tcpserver.l_i386 and failed
> > tried /home/roman/extra/mrpeach/tcpserver/tcpserver.pd_linux and failed
> > tried /home/roman/tcpserver/tcpserver.pd_linux and failed
> > tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/tcpserver/tcpserver.pd_linux and failed
> > tried /home/roman/extra/mrpeach/tcpserver.pd and failed
> > tried /home/roman/tcpserver.pd and failed
> > tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/tcpserver.pd and failed
> > tried /home/roman/extra/mrpeach/tcpserver.pat and failed
> > tried /home/roman/tcpserver.pat and failed
> > tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/tcpserver.pat and failed
> >  tcpserver
> > .... couldn't create
> > 
> > 
> > it seems, that [declare -stdpath] is completely ignored. do i oversee
> > something or is [declare -stdpath] broken? 
> > this is with pd-vanilla 0.41 on ubuntu hardy (without any ~/.pdrc nor
> > any other preference file)
> > 
> > i'll post a bug report, if someone can confirm it, but i would like
> > someone else to confirm it first, since i am a bit cautious with
> > bugreports about declare, since there's lots that someone can (me) do
> > wrong when testing it.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >     
> >             
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