On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 17:42 -0500, Mike McGonagle wrote: 
> Hi Roman,
> Not sure if this is the problem, but I had similar troubles like this,
> and to solve the issue, I saved the patch that contains the [declare]
> in it, and then reopened it. I guess the issue here is that declare
> really only operates when a patch is first opened from a file. (I
> could be wrong on this...)
no, you are fully right and i also was aware of this. when testing with
binary files (as opposed to abstractions) it gets even trickier: it
seems that pd holds a list for the namespace of binary classes, whereas
it seems, that abstractions are always searched in the filesystem. which
means, that when you once have successfully instantiated an object from
a binary class (for example [mrpeach/tcpserver]), then [tcpserver] will
instantiate as well (during the whole pd session). this means, that in
certain cases it is not even sufficient to reload the patch in order to
realiably test [declare], but you would have to restart pd to get rid of
the registered classes.

personally i dislike the fact, that binary single object classes behave
so differently from abstractions. this means, that patches using [abs~]
from extra/zexy might have worked well with the binary
'extra/zexy/abs~.pd_linux', but when it is replaced by
'extra/zexy/abs~.pd' the same patch probably doesn't work as it did


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