I'd suggest simply adding a commemnt like "tags: os midi oscillator" -
then we can just "grep tags: ../5.doc/*.pd | grep -i midi" to quickly
get a list of relevant patches.  It would also help to work up a list of
commonly used tags so new help patches can re-use existing ones where
possible - for instance, either "signal" or "tilde" or "~" but not chosen
at random from the three :)


On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 03:11:31PM +0100, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> Luke Iannini hat gesagt: // Luke Iannini wrote:
> > I just took a look at Max/MSP and they have a nice tagging system, as
> > well as an excellent configurable filter on their file browser that
> > ends up being a pretty elegant solution to many of these problems.
> > Perhaps going the route of adding parsable tags to object help patches
> > (e.g. a comment containing ##os ##midi ##oscillator (hm, quite an odd
> > object)) that can then be read back by the help-browser is more what
> > you're suggesting (I got that feeling from the threads you linked
> > Mathieu). 
> I think, that's a good aproach (although it doesn't solve any
> namespacing issues) and a start for this is already existing in the [pd
> META] subpatch that you can find in some help patches in the svn. 
> Documentation and categorization IMO should live as closely as possible
> to where the action is, i.e. in a help file or embedded in an
> abstraction/external. 
> BTW: That is (and already was in the discussion about it at pd~conv
> Montreal) my main problem with pdpedia: IMO a Pd doc wiki takes the
> reference documention too far away from the files. I'm pretty sure, that
> people will rather add a [pd META] or so to their help files than go and
> edit a pdpedia page. In turn, a pdpedia page can parse and read out the
> META data from a help file - in fact, most of the useful stuff in
> pdpedia has been generated that way.  The success of comment-generated
> docs or Python's docstrings illustrate my reasoning.
> Ciao
> -- 
> Frank
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